TRACK 7: Cross-border governance and service impact assessment
Track Chairs: Robert Krimmer (University of Tartu, Estonia), Mihkel Solvak (University of Tartu, Estonia) & Carsten Schmidt (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Fitting with the core theme oft he conference, the recent policy and regulatory initiatives of the EU, such as Digital Single Market Strategy, Single Digital Gateway, European Interoperability Framework and eIDAS 2.0, identify the need for digital cross-border integration in the EU. The achievement of the digital single market within the EU is challenging governments at all levels to transform or update their governance systems in order to establish the cross-border e-governance. The Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDGR) and the underlying Once-Only Principle (OOP) outline that businesses and citizens in contact with public administrations must provide data only once. Until now many MS and associated countries have started to implement the OOP at the national level, but the cross-border implementation is still a work in progress. The SDGR as one of the cornerstones of the Digital Single Market for the EU will bust this development. This track will examine whether, and how these initiatives can foster further integration into a digital single market.