International Federation for Information Processing, Working Group 8.5


The International Federation for Information Processing, Working Group 8.5 was established by IFIP in 1987. WG 8.5 conducts research on Information Systems in Public Administration. It organises working conferences and publishes books on the topic and its specific issues through IFIP.

The aim of WG 8.5 is to improve the quality of information systems in public administration at international, national, regional and local levels. The Working Group’s special emphasis lays on a holistic consideration of e-Government and information systems in public administration. Furthermore, it investigates the relationship between central and local use of information systems and the provision of citizen services, together with the accomplishment of social goals.


The scope is on all aspects of information systems for public administration. This ranging from theorizing to specific applications of information systems in public administration.
Application of the results of other IFIP Working Groups, and specifically of TC 8 Working Groups, to public administration. Topcis include e-Government, Digital Government, Open Government, Smart Government, GovTech, eParticipation and e-Democracy, and related topics like social media, digital transformation, Digital society, artificial intelligence, in the public setor, policy information, policy informatics, smart cities, and social innovation.


The main conference of IFIP WG8.5 is the annual IFIP EGOV conference series. This conference represents the merging of the IFIP WG 8.5 Electronic Government (EGOV), the IFIP WG 8.5 IFIP Electronic Participation (ePart) and the Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government Conference (CeDEM). The conference is held annually at the beginning of September at a University with active research groups in the field of information systems and public administration. The proceedings are published in the Springer LNCS series. The conference focuses on e-Government, Digital Government, Open Government, Smart Government, GovTech, eParticipation and e-Democracy, and related topics like social media, digital transformation, Digital society, artificial intelligence, policy information, policy informatics, smart cities, and social innovation.

Also other events are organized or supported by the IFIP WG8.5.


Officers for the period January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026

Chair: Ida Lindgren

Vice-chair: Efthimios Tambouris

Vice-Chair: Gerhard Schwabe

Secretary: Gabriela Viale Pereira


Board members:

  • Peter Parycek (CeDEM organizer)
  • Lieselot Daneels (DGS liason and publications chair)
  • Marijn Janssen (past chair 2017-2023))



Officers for the period January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2023

Chair: Marijn Janssen

Vice-chair: Ida Lindgren

Vice-Chair: Gerhard Schwabe

Secretary: Efthimios Tambouris


Board members:

  • Peter Parycek (CeDEM organizer)
  • Gabriela Viale Pereira (DGS liason and publications chair)


Jochen Scholl recipient of the IFIP Fellow Award in 2022

The most prestigious IFIP’s technical distinction is the title of IFIP Fellow, which is conferred by the IFIP General  Assembly on a current or past member of an IFIP body (e.g. WG, TC, GA, Domain Committee, IP3) in recognition of outstanding contributions in the field of information processing, in the role of a Technical Leader, Scientist, Engineer, or Educator. Jochen Scholl is former DGS president and chair of the IFIP WG8.5 and has received this award for his leadership in the field of ICT & Public administration.