Digital Goverment Board Resolutions
The following policies are approved at the DGS Board meetings.
Board Meeting Attendance Policy ( July 2015)
To retain their position on the Board as of January of 2016, Board members must be present at no less than 9 of the 12 meetings held each year.
Any DGS Board Member missing two meetings in a row will, upon missing an additional meeting in that calendar year, be asked to step down from the Board.
If a Board member is asked to step down from the Board due to persistent lack of attendance, an interim member will be appointed by the Board and will be required to stand for election during the next election cycle.
1. Attendance tracking will continue to be the responsibility of the Secretary.
2. Each month the President will note in the Board meeting and subsequently in the minutes, the attendance status of each Board member.
3. Persistent lack of attendance will be noted and action taken as necessary.
4. If a Board member is asked to leave the Board, remaining Board members will undertake an internal process to identify candidates for an interim appointment to the Board and through a vote of the Board, select a candidate.
5. A new interim Board member will be announced through the various DGS outlets.
6. Any interim Board members will be required to stand for election during the next election cycle.
Policy to guide multiple special issues by PC Chairs and Track Chairs (adopted in Jan 2015)
The dg.o conference generates many quality papers. Traditionally, a single or sometimes two special issues is produced from these papers each year. With the addition of the track structure to dg.o and the growing number of relevant journals (e.g. GIQ, Information Polity, Int. Journal of E-Planning Research, TGPPP), multiple special issues based on the dg.o papers are possible. As such, this proposal establishes a process to guide the development of multiple special issues from each dg.o conference.
· Provide opportunity for track chairs to advance dg.o papers in track-related special issues based on their expert knowledge of the issues and contributions of the papers in their track.
· Provide track chairs with an incentive in the form of an opportunity to edit/co-edit special issues of journals.
1. Within 30 days of the end of the dg.o conference, Conference and Program Chairs will provide the DGS Board and dg.o track chairs with their plans for special issues.
2. This plan will include the papers to be invited to participate in special issues edited/co-edited by these individuals.
3. Once the plan is presented, track chairs will be invited to engage in open discussion among track chairs and decide for which journals a special issue will be developed and which papers will be invited to participate in each. This discussion will be organized and managed by the DGS Past President.
4. Each chair can participate in only one special issue.
5. Conference, program, and track chairs are not required to participate in special issue efforts.
Policy on Track Chairs Responsibility to report their post-conference track summary ( Jan 2015)
- Amendment on Process (approved in Sep 2016)
The roles and responsibilities of the track chairs should include the report of their track (papers/research/activities) from the dg.o conference.
RATIONALE: We have started track-based conferences, which will continue for the foreseeable future. Therefore, it would be beneficial to revisit role of track chairs and their activities. These after-conference responsibilities will be helpful in the recording and archiving of conference activities.
Process: (Amended to add the process in Sep 2016)
The track chairs should submit the track report within 60 days after the dg.o conference has ended. The content of the report should include: title, chair information, highlight points of the track papers, challenges, and trends. The missing track report will prevent the track chair and their co-chairs from organizing a track in the following year. (This template shows the components of track summary).
Policy to share High Light Decisions made at the DGS Board Meeting ( Jan 2015)
Approved highlights of decisions made in monthly DGS Board Meetings will be shared on a regular schedule with DGS membership through DGOnline.
Increase member awareness of DGS Board Activities and create a public record of Board activities.
Each set of Board minutes will include a small number of selected highlights from the minutes for sharing with the membership in the next appropriate weekly DGOnline News; at the end of the calendar year, the Secretary and President will aggregate these highlights into an annual report released by the President to the membership on or around January 1 of each year.
1. The Board Secretary is responsible for identifying highlights, as appropriate, from each meeting, in addition to the minutes, and preparing them for review and approval by the Board.
2. The highlights will be prepared and submitted to the Board within one week of the Board meeting.
3. Board members will be asked to vote on the highlights within five days.
4. Once approved the Secretary will work with the Communications Committee to ensure that the highlights are included in the first release of the DGOnline News occurring after the vote is complete, and no later than two weeks after the Board meeting on which they are based.
5. In December of each year, the Secretary will compile all the highlights into a single report for release by the President in the form of an annual report. The President will release the annual report no later than January 1 of each year.
Policy for a need-based Travel Support (Jan 2015)
The DGS will support some dg.o related travel costs, if needed by the Executive Officers of the Board, specifically: President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer. Funds should only be requested if the officer does not have current funds that support their travel expenses to attend the conference. Fixed amount of $1000 maximum per officer with the submission and processing of receipts.