TRACK 3: Innovative Services in Government: When Data-Driven Services Meet Evidence-Based Policy
Track Chairs: Hsin-Chung Liao (National Chengchi University, Taiwan), Hsien-Lee Tseng (National University of Taiwan, Taiwan)
The Innovative Services in Government track aims to investigate how public sectors can complement Services and policies by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), such as MyData, Once Only Principle (OOP), and application of single digital gateway, etc. To trigger these convenience services, civics data sometimes needs to exchange within government sectors (G2G), or to provide to private service providers (C2G2B). EU has published OOP which is to be fully implemented by the end of 2023. In 2019, the U.S. launched OPEN Government Data Act, taking a step further on implementation of opening government data. The Innovative Services in Government track invites researchers and practitioners to accumulate scholarly papers that explore the interactions of data application, data governance, and/or data policy. Possible topics include strategies for government open data sharing, data-driven services, data Principles, and best practices of public and private sector collaboration on data implementation, or other similar topics and relevant approaches.