TRACK 14: Blockchain-based applications for e-Government
Track Chairs: Jolien Ubacht (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Sélinde van Engelenburg (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Blockchain (BC) and distributed ledger technology (DLT) have the potential to improve government processes. Transactions and information exchange between governmental organizations (G2G), between business and government (B2G) as well as between governments and citizens (G2C) can be transformed by using blockchain-based applications. These applications can improve the efficiency of information exchanges (e.g. leading to less fraud and mistakes than paper based registrations) and can contribute to an inclusive society (e.g. by means of digital identities). In addition blockchain-based applications can support international public services for businesses and citizens alike. The implementation of blockchain-based applications requires solid analysis of the entire information chain, including the involved stakeholders and interoperability with extant information architectures. Moreover, blockchain initiatives have implications for citizen trust, privacy, inclusion and participation that need to be addressed in the design of the blockchain based applications. This track invites research that explores the impact and potential of blockchain-based applications in G2G, B2G and C2G processes that illustrate their contribution to public services and the creation of public values. We welcome use cases and a diversity in research designs, approaches and methodologies.