dg.o 2020:

21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research

Theme: Intelligent Government in the Intelligent Information Society


June 15-19, 2020 (Monday – Friday)
dg.o 2020 conference will be held online as a virtual conference.


Updates on dg.o 2020 related to the COVID-19

(Corona Virus)

As of March 11, 2020, due to the rapid development of COVID-19,the face-to-face meetings in DG.O 2020 conference in Seoul are canceled and the conference will be held online as a virtual conference.
The detailed information on the virtual conference will be released within the next weeks.

The DGS Board and the dg.o 2020 organization committee have been actively monitoring developments related to COVID-19 and considering several alternative paths of action for our annual conference. The WHO announced the COVID-19 as a pandemic case as of Mar 11, 2020 and given the current circumstances, we have decided to hold the dg.o 2020 conference fully online.

The safety and well-being of all conference participants is our priority. We are following updates on the situation from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). We urge all attendees to keep informed on the risks, precautions, and symptoms. Learn more about COVID-19 through Whorl Health Organiozation and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

The dg.o 2020 organization team and the DGS board have the following guidelines for the authors and prospective participants.

  • For the authors:
    • The submissions will follow the original timeline;
    • The accepted papers, posters and other applicable submissions will be published in the dg.o 2020 proceedings;
    • At least one of the authors of accepted papers will have to register for the conference to have their papers to be published in the proceedings. The revised registration fees will be announced; and
    • The Virtual Conference presentations: the details will be announced.
  • For the participants:
    • The details on registration and participation in the virtual conference will be provided

We are exploring options for our online meetings that will allow for interactions and feedback to your work and produce opportunities to interact with other colleagues and the audience. We will decide the final details in the following weeks and continue to be in touch with you with any updates.


The Digital Government Society (DGS) announces the 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research – dg.o 2020, with a theme “Intelligent Government in the Intelligent Information Society”. dg.o 2020 will be hosted by the Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea on June 17-19, 2020. The dg.o conferences are an established forum for presentation, discussion, and demonstration of interdisciplinary research on digital government, political participation, civic engagement, technology innovation, applications, and practice. Each year the conference brings together scholars recognized for the interdisciplinary and innovative nature of their work, their contributions to theory (rigor) and practice (relevance), their focus on important and timely topics and the quality of their writing.


The 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research will feature the main theme of “Intelligent Government in the Intelligent Information Society”. The advent of the intelligent information society will introduce new technologies that combine artificial intelligence (AI) with Internet of Things, cloud computing, and big data. Along with the development of such intelligent information technologies, governments will increasingly face unprecedented challenges and complex problems in all areas of the society.

This conference will focus on the role and capacity building of government and the new governance that would be required to timely address the challenges and opportunities that are brought by the new technologies and also to construct a trust-based society by achieving sustainable development in the intelligent information society.

Specifically, we will propose capacity building activities in government and discuss the government’s role in addressing the digital divide and social inequality, resulting from the aforementioned technological advancements, and in providing user-friendly public services that are based on big data analysis. Moreover, we intend to discuss the implications of private and public partnerships on new governance in the information society. In this endeavor, the event will embrace discussions on both theoretical frameworks and practical applications that deal with the government and related issues at the local, regional, and global level.


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