Best paper nominees EGOV2022
Category 1
Coping with Opportunities and Challenges of Smart Policing: A Research Mode
Muhammad Afzal and Panos Panagiotopoulos
Dismantling digital cages: Examining design process practices for public algorithmic system design
Sem Nouws, Marijn Janssen and Roel Dobbe
Data-driven Applications for Policy Making: a Case Study on the Energy Transition in Four Dutch Municipalities
Devin Diran, Marissa Hoekstra and Anne Fleur van Veenstra
Category 2
Assessing the Quality of Covid-19 Open Data Portals
Igor Sampaio, Eduardo Andrade, José Viterbo Filho and Flávia Bernardini
Assessing the Suitability of Social Media Data for Identifying Crisis Events in Smart Cities: An Exploratory Study on Flood Situations
Magaywer Moreira de Paiva, José Viterbo Filho and Flavia Bernardini
Category 3
A Methodology for Aligning Categories from Open Government Data Portals to a Comprehensive Set of Categories
Higor Pinto, Raissa Barcellos, Flavia Bernardini and Jose Viterbo
Sharing, Cooperation or Collective Action? A Research Agenda for Online Interaction in Digital Global Governance
Tove Engvall, Leif Skiftenes Flak and Øystein Sæbø
Interrogating e-Justice: Lessons from Digitalizing Courts in Chile
Joaquín Santuber, Reem Abou Refaie and Christoph Meinel
Best paper winners EGOV2021
Elisabeth Gebka and Annick Castiaux: A Typology of Municipalities’ Roles and Expected User’s Roles in Open Government Data Release and Reuse (category 1)
Iikka Pietilä, Jenni Kallio, Jari Varsaluoma and Kaisa Väänänen: Youths’ digital participation in the early phases of COVID-19 lockdown (category 2)
Dian Balta, Mahdi Sellami, Peter Kuhn, Ulrich Schöpp, Matthias Buchinger, Nathalie Baracaldo, Ali Anwar, Mathieu Sinn, Mark Purcell and Bashar Altakrouri: Accountable Federated Machine Learning in Government: Engineering and Management Insights (category 3)
Best paper nominees EGOV2021
Mattias Svahn and Serena Coppolino Perfumi: A conceptual model for approaching the design of anti-disinformation tools
Elisabeth Gebka and Annick Castiaux: A Typology of Municipalities’ Roles and Expected User’s Roles in Open Government Data Release and Reuse
Daniel Toll, Ida Lindgren and Ulf Melin: Process Automation as Enabler of Prioritized Values in Local Government – A Stakeholder Analysis
Ralf Klischewski: Data Science or Process Science? How to Promote the Next Digital Transformation in the Public Sector
Iikka Pietilä, Jenni Kallio, Jari Varsaluoma and Kaisa Väänänen: Youths’ digital participation in the early phases of COVID-19 lockdown
Dian Balta, Mahdi Sellami, Peter Kuhn, Ulrich Schöpp, Matthias Buchinger, Nathalie Baracaldo, Ali Anwar, Mathieu Sinn, Mark Purcell and Bashar Altakrouri: Accountable Federated Machine Learning in Government: Engineering and Management Insights
Sebastian Urbanek and Sonja Schimmler: A Translation Service for Open Data Portals
Szymon Mamrot: Application of process modelling and simulation to evaluate administrative burdens at the law-making stage
Søren Skaarup: Beyond substantive goals – a framework for understanding citizens need and goals in bureaucratic encounters
Best paper awards winners EGOV2020
- Leif Skiftenes Flak and Sara Hofmann – The impact of smart city initiatives on human rights
- Mecati Mariachiara, Flavio Emanuele Cannavò, Antonio Vetrò and Marco Torchiano – Evaluating Risk of Discrimination in Automated Decision Making Systems with Measures of Disproportion
- Devin Diran and Anne Fleur van Veenstra – Barriers to Data-driven Policy Making for the Municipal Energy Transition in the Netherlands
Best paper nominees EGOV2020
Category 1
· Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar, Cristina Alcaide Muñoz and Laura Alcaide Muñoz – Identifying Strategic Planning Patterns of Smart Initiatives. An Empirical Research in Spanish Smart Cities
· Peter Kuhn and Dian Balta – Service Quality through Government Proactivity: The Concept of Non-Interaction
· Johan Linåker and Per Runeson – Collaboration in Open Government DataEcosystems: Open Cross-sector Sharing and Co-development of Data and Software
Category 2
· Muhammad Afzal and Panos Panagiotopoulos – Smart Policing: A Critical Review of the Literature
Category 3
· Willem Pieterson and Cindy Weng – Measure what matters. A dual outcome service quality model for government service delivery
· Karin Skill and Ahmed Kaharevic – eHealth in the Hood: Exploring digital participation in a Swedish suburb
This issue 12(1) of JeDEM comprises the keynote papers and a selection of papers nominated for the Best Paper Award at the IFIP EGOV-CeDEM-ePart conference 2019, as well as ongoing submissions.- https://jedem.org/index.php/jedem/issue/view/55
This issue 10(2) of JeDEM comprises the keynote papers and a selection of papers nominated for the Best Paper Award at the IFIP EGOV-CeDEM-ePart conference 2019, as well as ongoing submissions.- https://jedem.org/index.php/jedem/issue/view/52