Travel Grants
dg.o 2025: 26th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research
Up to ten $1,000 per recipient travel grants are offered by the Digital Government Society to support in person attendance to the dg.o 2025 conference in Brazil by researchers (PhD students and faculty) from medium and low HDI countries (adjusted for inequality). Grants may be used for travel and accommodation. In addition, awardees will have their conference registration fee, which includes participation in all sessions and all meals, waived.
To be eligible for a DGS travel grant, you must:
- Have a paper accepted at dg.o 2025.
- Submit itemized receipts for all expenses and your attendance badge as proof of attendance. DGS will not cover expenses submitted without an itemized receipt that includes all of the following information:
- The name of the business.
- The date when the purchase was made.
- The items purchased.
- The price of each individual item.
- The total amount of the bill.
- The method of payment.
- Complete a W-8 BEN and return it to DGS. This grant money is reportable income and treated as non-employment compensation by the IRS. To accept a travel grant, you must complete and return a W-8 BEN to DGS.
- Commit to:
- Participate in the whole conference.
- Write a short blog/piece for the DGS website about the conference and the accepted paper.
If you are a PhD student or a scholar working in one medium or low HDI country adjusted for inequality (see PDF for further reference) and would like to apply for this scheme, please fill in the below form.
Deadline for application is April 1, 2025.
Decisions will be communicated to applicants by May 1, 2025.
Digital Government Society will weigh all applications against three criteria before deciding upon offers of travel grants. These criteria are:
- That the applicant’s current (= at the time of applying) institutional affiliation is in a medium or low HDI country adjusted for inequality.
- That the applicant clearly states his/her needs of the funds and how they will be used.
- That the applicant’s paper addresses an important topic for the conference (e.g. a key topic of significance for digital government that is novel or under-researched, or a novel or innovative methodological approach).
Digital Government Society will balance these criteria in their deliberations and will act as a decision-making forum in its own right. The decisions will be final.