Dg.o 2020 is proud to announce this year’s award winners!
Best Poster Award sponsored by IOS Press: Are Body-worn Cameras Effective in Decreasing Police-involved Deaths? Evidence from U.S. Local Police Departments by Sunyoung Pyo Best
Management Paper sponsored by Emerald Publishing: Artificial Intelligence in Government: Potentials, Challenges, and the Future by Michael Ahn and Yu-Che Chen
Best Research Paper sponsored by IOS Press: Towards Smarter Public Budgeting? Understanding the Potential of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Support Decision Making in Government by David Valle-Cruz, J. Ramon Gil-Garcia and Vanessa Fernandez-Cortez
And Congratulations to the Best Paper and Poster finalists:
Best Paper Finalists: Can people with disabilities use the mobile Internet if they want to? by Seunghwan Kim and Wookjoon Sung, Digital Transformation, Governance and Coordination Models: A Comparative Study of Australia, Denmark and the Republic of Korea by Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen and Zoran Jordanoski, Smart City, Net Neutrality, and Antitrust: findings from Korea by Sahng-Yoon Kim, Seung Jae Jeon and Hun Yeong Kwon, and Analyzing Brexit’s Impact Using Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling on Twitter Discussion by Sardar Ilyas, Zainab Soomro, Ahmed Anwar, Hamza Shahzad and Ussama Yaqub.
Best Poster Finalists: Understanding Smart City Projects and Priorities across Large, Medium and Small Cities in the United States by Brian M. Poltie, Emmanuel Udoh and Luis F. Luna-Reyes, Government, Citizen, and Social Media: Understanding Police-Citizen Interaction on Weibo in China by Yumeng Luo, and Theoretical Foundations on Technology Acceptance and Usage in Public Administrations – Investigating Bounded Acceptance and Usage of New Technology by Employees by Aida Stelter, Constantin Kaping, Frederike Marie Oschinsky and Bjoern Niehaves.