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Online programme IFIP EGOV2020

The goal of a conference is to meet each other, to discuss research and, in this way, advance our research field. Most presentations will be featured as a form of asynchronous manner, whereas the keynotes, workshops, Q&A, and discussions will be delivered synchronously, which means that these will be held LIVE on Tuesday 1 September and Wednesday 2 September from 8:30 to 19:00 (CEST).

The basic rule of asynchronous presentation method is that presenters/authors will record their presentation videos and upload their presentation using Participants are encouraged to watch the presentations in advance and to read the papers. For the live streams, we will have NO parallel sessions, and all sessions will be scheduled one after each other in the same room. This means longer days, but we expect that most persons will not attend all sessions.

Prepare before the conference!

Usually, the conference starts on Mondays. Instead of having sessions, we suggest watching the videos and read the papers in the proceedings on this day (or before). Write down your questions, but wait for the live sessions during the conference to ask them.

Live sessions – live Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 September (Zoom).

The live session will be managed as follow:

  • The chair moderates the session: start recordings, and introduces speakers or discussion
  • Videos should be turned off and microphones muted (except for presenters and moderators)
  • Each author summarizes their main research in max 2 minutes, but less is better (remember participants have watched your film)
  • Each presenting author prepares one question for the other papers in the session (not all questions have to be asked, but this ensure sufficient interaction)
  • Each track chair prepares at least one question per paper (as there are 3 track chairs this means a minimum of 3 questions)
  • Ask questions using the chat and wait for the moderator to speak
  • The moderator determines who will be the next one to ask questions
  • The person asking questions mention its name/ university before asking the first question
  • The moderator ensures that all papers have a minimum amount of time for question
  • End by summarizing the session
  • If time does not allow, please share your question in the chat with the presenter (so there is plenty of feedback for each paper)

The moderator takes care of muting participants, and maintaining the video-sharing restrictions (you can, for example, disable webcam sharing for all users except moderators). Users who have audio issues can use a browser to view the room and participate in the chat, and retrieve the dial-in Information to join the audio by phone.

Overview of live sessions

The PhD colloquium will be held on Monday 31 August and is only open when invited.

Tuesday 1 September Wednesday 2 September
8.30-9.15 Keynote: Government: Overcoming the Systemic Failure of Digital Transformation – Vishanth Weerakkody Keynote: The book of YES and the book of NO: Between governance and engineering in times of crisis – Tobias Fiebig
9.15-9.30 Group picture at 9.15


9.30-10.45 Workshop: SPIDER: open SPatial data Infrastructure eDucation nEtwoRk Workshop: Assessment of the use of Artificial Intelligence to support public services: methodology and roadmap
10.45-11.00 break break
11.00-12.00 Session: General EGOV Session: Service quality
12.00-13.00 Session: Open data Session: Digital society
13.00-13.15 break break
13.15-14.30 Workshop: Understanding Data-Sharing and Collaboration Posters and best paper awards
Session: legal informatics
14.30-15.30 Session: AI, Data analytics & automated Decision-making Session: eDemocracy and e-participation
15.30-15.45 break break
15.45- 16.45 Session: Emerging technologies Session: Digital Engagement and competences
16.45-17.45 Session: Smart cities Session: Social innovation & media
17.45-18.00 break break
18.00-19.00 IFIP WG8.5 business meeting Session: Transformation & governance

After the conference

All presentations and keynote presentations become are published using

Next year conference

The conference is organized by the IFIP 8.5 WG in ICT & Public administration and the Digital Government Society (DGS). And will be held at the University of Granada, Spain.

More Information:

Keynote: E-Government: Overcoming the Systemic Failure of Digital Transformation – Vishanth Weerakkody

Digital technology undoubtedly has huge potential to contribute to the functions of government and public administration, but so far, the building of information portals and putting transactions on government web sites have not realised the great expectations for it in terms of “transforming government”. The “transformation of government” has often been proposed as an objective of e-government; frequently presented as a phase in stage models following the provision online of information and transactions. Yet in literature or official documents there is no established definition of transformation as applied to government. Implicitly or explicitly, it mostly refers to a change in organisational form, signalled by the terms “joining-up” or “integration”, of government. In some work, transformation is limited to changing processes or “services”— though “services” is a term unhelpfully applied to a multitude of entities. There is in academic or other literature little evidence of any type of “transformation” achieved beyond a change in an administrative process, nor a robust framework of benefits one might deliver. This begs the questions of what it actually means in reality and why it might be a desired goal. This presentation explores why the ambitions for transformational e-government (however it has been labelled) over the last 20 years have not been realised. It provides a critical analysis to offer a diagnosis of the problem and its causes. The presentation draws from evidence offered to the house of commons in the UK parliament regarding the progress made in digital transformation. It develops a structured frame of reference for making sense of how information and communications technologies (ICT), in all their forms, really fit within the world of government and public administration.

Brief Profile: Vishanth Weerakkody
I am currently the Dean for the Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences and Professor of Digital Governance at University of Bradford. Before moving to University of Bradford, I held various senior management roles at Brunel Business School and was a Professor of Digital Governance at Brunel University London. My current research is multidisciplinary and centred around public sector policy implementation, process transformation through digital government, social innovation and the implementation, diffusion and adoption of disruptive technologies within a smart city – services context. Focusing on the evolving role of technology, I closely follow and critique digital enabled service transformation efforts in government. My passion for solving societal problems through research and innovation together with a vast network of collaborators from both academia and industry has allowed me to attract over £25 million of R&D funding over the last few years from the EU, ESRC, Qatar Foundation, British Council and UK Local Government. As a research-active academic, I continue to publish in Chartered Association of Business Schools 3* and 4* journals. My publications have appeared in Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Government Information Quarterly, Information Systems Frontiers, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Production Planning and Control, International Business Review, Computers in Human Behaviour and European Journal of Operational Research. Prior to my academic career, I worked in several multinational organisations both in the UK and overseas and my last role in industry was as a Methods and Process Analyst at IBM UK.