This instruction has three parts

  • formatting for the ACM Proceedings
  • page limits
  • manuscript preparation guidelines

Formatting for the ACM Proceedings

Note on the New Process

Please follow the steps closely below. We thank authors for their understanding and patience as we transitioned to the ACM Publishing System using the 2019 template.


Step #1: revise and prepare manuscript (a) by addressing the review comments and (b) by using the 2019 template

For questions about templates, contact the ACM TeX support team at Aptara directly at

For people using MS Word:

  1. Prepare your manuscript by using the 2019 template (cursor over to download).
  2. Download the ACM Master Article Template – Microsoft Word. Please choose the correct template version based on your platform: [MAC 2011 (cursor over to download), MAC 2016 (cursor over to download), or Windows (cursor over to download)] and save the .zip file to your local machine.
  3. Open the zip file and save the template file to your machine and then follow these instructions (cursor over to download) to attach the ACM Article Template to your accepted submission version and prepare your paper (still in single-column format) for validation in using the ACM Publishing System (TAPS).

For people using LaTeX

Please use the latest version of the Master Article Template – LaTeX (cursor over to download) to create your article submission. Please review the documentation (cursor over to download) should you have any questions.


Step #2: Submit your file(s) to the ACM Publishing System (TAPS) (rather than EasyChair) to make sure that your manuscript source files are correctly-formatted. 

Note: The ACM Publishing System (TAPS) requires the use of the single-column 2019 template (see step #1). 

The authors will be contacted separately via e-mail for accessing the ACM Publishing System (TAPS) and for uploading your source file set to The ACM Publishing System (TAPS).

Do complete your e-rights form prior to this step if you have not done so. 

Review the ACM Publishing System (TAPS) best practices (cursor over to follow the link). This document is also available in PDF (cursor over to download).

  • For those who use MS Word template, the copyright language will be automatically populated.

Download these instructions (cursor over to download) for the information on how to use TAPS.

Additional information and update on templates and best practices are available by going to the ACM Template and Workflow Page.

TAPS will process your paper and auto-generate proofs of your article for your review. Please allow time for generating and correcting the proof.

For questions about templates, contact the ACM TeX support team at Aptara directly at

For questions about uploading, please contact


Step #3: Validate your files in TAPS (rather than via EasyChair) and resolve promptly if there is any outstanding issue  

The authors will validate and complete their camera-ready file in TAPS (ACM Publishing System).

For any issues with regards to validation errors and upload completion, please contact

The authors will address promptly any outstanding issues if identified by the program chairs.

Note on copyright

For the authors with accepted submissions, it is important to understand that the dg.o 2019 conference proceedings will be copyrighted. Therefore, by presenting and publishing with dg.o 2019, you are also acknowledging that your work has not appeared, and will not appear, in another publication in the same form. Authors are being contacted to fill the copyright information, provided by ACM.


Page Limits

Note: the 2019 ACM submission format is a single-column one to be more reliable for production purposes. The two-column version is the one that will be generated by the ACM Publishing System (TAPS) after submitting the single-column version. That distinction explains the different page limits specified here.

  • Research papers
    • maximum of 15 pages for the 2019 ACM template (single-column)
    • maximum of 10 pages (8-10 pages) for the ACM Proceedings camera-ready format (two-column) generated by TAPS (ACM Publishing System)
  • Management, Case Study, or Policy papers
    • maximum of 9 pages for the 2019 ACM template (single-column)
    • maximum of 6 pages (4-6 pages) for the ACM Proceedings camera-ready format (two-column) generated by TAPS
  • Panel descriptions
    • maximum of 6 pages for the 2019 ACM template (single-column)
    • maximum of 4 pages (2-4 pages) for the ACM Proceedings camera-ready format (two-column) generated by TAPS
  • Posters
    • maximum of 3 pages for the 2019 ACM template (single-column)
    • maximum of 2 pages (1-2 pages) for the ACM Proceedings camera-ready format (two-column) generated by TAPS
  • System demonstrations
    • maximum of 3 pages for the 2019 ACM template (single-column)
    • maximum of 2 pages (1-2 pages) for the ACM Proceedings camera-ready format (two-column) generated by TAPS
  • Pre-Conference tutorial proposals
    • maximum of 3 pages for the 2019 ACM template (single-column)
    • maximum of 2 pages (1-2 pages) for the ACM Proceedings camera-ready format (two-column) generated by TAPS
  • Pre-Conference workshop proposals
    • maximum of 3 pages for the 2019 ACM template (single-column)
    • maximum of 2 pages (1-2 pages) for the ACM Proceedings camera-ready format (two-column) generated by TAPS
  • Doctoral colloquium application (is not included in the ACM proceedings)
    • maximum of 15 pages for the 2019 ACM template (single-column)
    • maximum of 10 for the two-column format, not including references, tables and figures


Manuscript preparation guidelines

Papers/posters/manuscripts can be submitted using the “2019 ACM Master Submission Template (single-column)” (click here to download the 2019 MS Word template).

Submissions should not exceed the maximum number of pages specified for each type of submission in ACM format (see above). Please do not use page numbers. Paper titles should be on the first page of text, rather than on a separate cover page.

Research, Management, Case Study, and Policy papers go through a double-blind review process. When you submit your manuscript for the first time, author names and contact information must be omitted from the submission. After the review, this information should be added.

All other submissions should follow the same ACM proceedings format, but include author names.

All accepted submissions require at least one author to be registered for the conference before the camera-ready copy is due for it to be included in the conference proceedings. The authors of more than two papers can register for and present at most two co-authored papers.  Third paper on, some other coauthor registration and presentation are required.

At least one author is expected to attend the conference to present the work.

Research papers – blind review: These submissions report innovative digital government research results in the form of a formal scholarly paper. Papers on any digital government topic and all research methodologies are welcome. Relevance to digital government problems, goals, or policies must be explicit.

Management, case study, or policy papers – blind review: These submissions describe and evaluate practical digital government projects or initiatives, discuss major policy themes, or present and evaluate management approaches to digital government initiatives and programs.

Panels: Proposals should include information about the theme and goals of the panel, a summary of the digital government issues or questions that the panel will address, statements about the value of the discussion to conference attendees and how well suited the topic is to a panel discussion. In addition, the proposal should include information about the expertise of the moderator and panelists in the selected issues. Please include names, institutional affiliations, addresses, email, and phone contact numbers of the contact person, moderator, and presenter(s).

Posters: Summaries should outline the nature of the research, policy, or project and describe why the work will be of interest to dg.o attendees. For inclusion in the conference proceedings, please follow the ACM Proceedings preparation guidelines. For presentation at the conference, posters should measure approximately 36″ x 48″. Each poster station is provided with a table and an easel. Selected poster submissions may be asked to give an oral presentation in the conference sessions.

System Demonstrations: System demonstrations are held concurrently with the poster session to the accompaniment of good food and professional fellowship. The summary should outline the nature of the system and describe why the demonstration is likely to be of interest to dg.o attendees. Demonstrations of interest include systems under development or in active use in research or practice domains. Submissions should include authors’ names and contact information according to that format. Each station is provided with a table, an easel, and Internet access. Monitors will be available for rent. Selected demo submissions may be asked to give an oral presentation in the conference sessions.

Pre-conference Tutorials: dg.o tutorials are half- or full-day presentations that offer deeper insight into e-government research, practice, research methodologies, technologies or field experience. In particular, tutorials provide insights into good practices, research strategies, uses of particular technologies such as social media, and other insights into digital government that would benefit researchers and practitioners.

Pre-conference Workshops: We invite workshop proposals on any e-government research or management topic. Workshops are half- or full-day events intended to offer interactive sessions, in which the workshop host and participants discuss and engage in activities designed to facilitate joint learning and further exploration of a particular subject. Individuals proposing workshops will assume the responsibility of identifying and selecting participants for the workshop and for conducting workshop activities.

Doctoral Colloquium: The doctoral colloquium is a highly interactive full-day forum in which Ph.D. students meet and discuss their work with each other and with senior faculty from a variety of disciplines associated with digital government research. Ph.D. students can submit papers describing their planned or in-progress doctoral dissertation covering any research areas relevant to digital government. Ideally, student participants will have completed one or two years of doctoral study or progressed far enough in their research to have a structured proposal idea and preliminary findings, but have not reached the stage of defending their dissertations. We expect students at this stage of study will gain the most value from feedback on their work and the more general discussions of doctoral programs and scholarly careers. See the detailed announcement for complete information on the colloquium and how to submit an application. Material provided in applications to the doctoral colloquium will not be published in the proceedings. However, we encourage students to submit finished research to one of the paper tracks or as a poster or demo.