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Distinguished Service Award 2024 – Dr. Maria delos Milagros Gasco Hernandez

Dr. Mila Gasco-Hernandez is the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award 20204.  She receives this award to acknowledge her consistent and outstanding service to the Digital Government community. Dr. Gasco-Hernandez has an impressive record of service, playing numerous and varied roles. She is not only an active participant and leader within the Digital Government Society, […]

Fellow Award for Dg.o 2024 – Dr. Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes

Dr. Luna-Reyes is the recipient of the Dg.o 2024 Fellow Award. Dr. Luna-Reyes is a Professor at University at Albany; a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration; and a member of the Mexican National Research System. He is also a Faculty Fellow at the Center for Technology in Government. His research lies at […]